
Enrique Liberman co-authors article with Javier Lumbreras on Co-Investments in Art by Art Funds

Enrique Liberman co-authored an article for The Art Fund Association with Javier Lumbreras entitled “Co-Investing in Art: What Every Art Fund Manager Needs to Know”. The article provided a comprehensive overview of the issues relating to making co-investments in artworks by art investment funds with third parties. 

Topics discussed included:

  • Management rights over the artwork.
  • Documenting the co-ownership arrangement.
  • Allocations of responsibility for ownership expenses.
  • Disposition of the artwork.
  • Involuntary and Involuntary transfers of ownership interests in the artwork.

Enrique Liberman chairs the firm’s Art Law + Art Funds practice and is a recognized authority on matters relating to art law and art investments. The firm also benefits from Enrique’s unparalleled expertise in the structuring and operation of “passion funds” and Enrique is one of the world’s foremost authorities on the formation and governance of art investment funds. Read full story here

Mon Jul 1, 6:50pm